News & Advice

What Is The Cheapest Type Of Countertop?

What Is The Cheapest Type Of Countertop?

The cheapest type of countertops is laminate. These countertops are made from wood and plastic, and come in a wide variety of styles. They are however, also the most easily damaged. Tile…
Is Granite Low Maintenance?

Is Granite Low Maintenance?

Granite is relatively low maintenance. It is not as low maintenance as quartz countertops, though. Granite is a porous stone, so it will absorb bacteria and liquids over time (which will discolor…
Does Coffee Stain Granite?

Does Coffee Stain Granite?

In fact, it can. Coffee, vinegar, tea, oils, wine, juice, ranch dressing, and pretty much any other liquid commonly found in your kitchen can get absorbed into the stone. Unlike quartz countertops,…